I'm so sorry that it has been so long since I have posted an update. It has not been for lack of desire, but rather lack of time! Here are just a few of the things that have been happening here the past couple of weeks.
*Fall break, which was great! I love having my kids home from school.
*John had multiple work trips throughout the month.
*Bryce got strep throat
*Bryce and Annalise had croup
*Sick respite workers.
*All the kids had dentist appointments...no cavities...hooray!
*Bryce got a new stander (I'll have to add pictures once I get some)
*Orthopedic appointment for Bryce where we found out his right hip is at the same place it was before and the left hip has actually improved! That was great news.
*IEP meeting to discuss where Bryce is at now and our plans for Kindergarten. These are always hard. It's not that they tell me anything I don't already know, but it is always tough to hear that he is still obviously regressing. I did find out he has some definite favorites out of his teachers and aides in the classroom!
*Had a good cry that afternoon on the way to Phoenix for Annalise's swallow study. No aspiration was detected!
*Appointments with GI and nutritionists for Bryce and Annalise and found that both of them have lost weight...not the direction they are suppose to be going! Dr. McOmber enjoyed giving me a bad time about green smoothies, but was pleased that I have been able to get rid of the Miralax, by giving some of this to Bryce through his tube!
*Neurology appointment for the kids. Nothing new. Multiple doctors still looking for a deletion or something.
*Annalise got a new wheelchair/stroller. I'll have to show pictures of this later as well as pictures of Bryce's new hand splints.
*Multiple appointments for the older boys including dermatologist for a growth next to Jacob's eye, developmental pediatrician, and counseling.
*Sold the Big Red Fire Truck
*Rear air in the bus stopped working...back to the shop.
*School book fair, art fair, and reward trip.
*90 day reviews
*Therapies, therapies, and more therapies
*Then just as I thought I had a day without anything scheduled, I got a call from my oldest son's school and was told that he had just fallen while playing a jump rope game at recess.
He ended up having broken both bones in his wrist.
*Change of weather which feels great, but has brought on muscle pain, tears, and restless nights for both Bryce and Annalise. (which leads to a sleep deprived, grumpy mom)
*Halloween trip to Ryan House...super fun. I just love that place. I got to meet Ryan's parents who are super great people.
(This was the best picture I could get of her with her costume on.)
*And trunk or treat at the church. She would not even wear her costume that night. She sure had fun racing around the parking lot in her walker though. At one point when I said let's go say trick or treat and get you some candy, she replied with, "no trick-or-treat, I walking!" So we just walked most of the night. She was so happy. It made me smile! The picture above was the only one I got of the night. Sorry boys!
So, that takes us through the end of October and into November. I also received news last night that a friend and former room mate passed away leaving a wonderful husband (who is a long time friend of mine) and six young children. My heart aches for Tom and his family and I pray that they will be comforted.
Tomorrow morning Jacob, William, and I have Cub Scout Day Camp and then we are heading to William's to ride the Polar Express. We are really looking forward to a little trip away!
I have been asked multiple times throughout these crazy weeks how I do it. And I guess I'm just like everyone else. We all just have to roll with the punches that are thrown our way!