Friday, December 23, 2011

One Year

One year ago today our lives shifted again as Annalise was diagnosed with Unspecified Leukodystrophy.  Although Annalise has lost many of her previously acquired skills over the year, I am so thankful that she is still able to sing!

Today this year has been a much better day.  We are enjoying a day of respite at the Ryan House.  Our good friends, the Hauer family came by today and played with us for a while here.  It was so great to see them again!  They are such amazing people!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

11 Things I've Learned Since Becoming a Special Needs Parent

I came across this post early this morning after being up multiple times throughout the night with our two special children.  These are all feelings I feel or have felt throughout the last 3 years.  She really hit the nail on the head with this one!  There is so much guilt, love, anger, frustration, uncertainty, and incredible joy that I feel throughout our journey.  I'm glad I am not the only one who feels this way and that someone had the ability to share.  Excellent post!